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Policy Categories Archives: Section E: Support Services

Section E contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on non-instructional services and programs, particularly those on business management such as safety, building and grounds management, office services, transportation, and food services.

Data/Records Retention


The Auburn School District shall develop procedures for a records retention system that is in compliance with RSA 189:29-a, and Department of Education regulations. The procedures should ensure that all pertinent records are stored safely and are stored for such durations as are required by law. Additionally, the Auburn School District shall develop procedures necessary to protect individual rights and preserve confidential information.

This policy shall apply to all district records, irrespective of the specific medium of the record, i.e., paper, electronic, digital, cloud, etc.

Legal References:
RSA 91-A, Right to Know Law, RSA 189:29-a, Records Retention and Disposition, NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed 306.04(a)(4), Records Retention, NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed 306.04(h), Records Retention, NH Code of Administrative Rules, Section Ed. 1119.01, Confidentiality Requirements, 20 U.S.C. 1232g, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Adopted: June 13, 2006
Revised: January 12, 2010
Revised: January 15, 2019

Computer Security, E-mail And Internet Communications


The Auburn School District has established this policy with regards to access and disclosure of
electronic data composed, stored, sent, or received by employees using the district computer
system. This policy is designed to protect the safety and security of the district’s computer
systems including e-mail and internet use.

The school district intends to enforce the rules set forth below and reserves the right to change
these rules at any time.

1. The computer hardware system, software and e-mail system are owned by the district, and
all messages or data composed, stored, sent, or received using the system are and remain
the private property of the district. They are not the property of the employee.

2. The computer and e-mail system is to be used for business purposes only. Personal business
is unauthorized and should not be conducted on the system.

3. The electronic mail system may not be used to solicit or proselytize for commercial ventures,
religious or political causes, outside organizations, or other non-job related solicitations.

4. The school district prohibits discriminatory, harassing, or offensive materials in any form of
media. Among those which are considered offensive are any messages which contain sexual
implications, racial slurs, gender-specific comments, or any other comments that offensively
address someone’s age, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, national origin, or

5. The electronic mail system shall not be used to send (upload) or receive (download)
copyrighted materials, trade secrets, proprietary financial information, or similar materials
without prior authorization.

6. The school district reserves and intends to exercise without prior notice, the right to read,
review, audit, intercept, access or disclose any and all information on an employee’s
computer system or messages created, received or sent over the electronic mail system for
any purpose, even if coded or passworded.

7. The confidentiality of any message or data should not be assumed. Even when a message is
erased, it is still possible to retrieve and read that message. The use of passwords for
security does not guarantee confidentiality, or that the district will not retrieve it. All
passwords must be disclosed to the building Principal or his/her designee.

8. Any communications created, sent, or retrieved using e-mail may be read by individuals
authorized by the Superintendent.

9. Notwithstanding the district’s right to retrieve and monitor any e-mail messages, such
messages should be treated as confidential by other employees and accessed only by the
intended recipient. Employees are not authorized to retrieve or read any e-mail that is not
sent to them. Any exception to this policy must receive prior approval by the

10. Any employee who violates this policy or uses the computer system or electronic mail system
for improper purposes shall be subject to discipline up to and including discharge.

11. The district has the authority to terminate or limit access to any program at any time.

12. The District will take all necessary measures to maintain student privacy relative to the
District’s website, online information and storage of student personally identifiable
information, as required by state and federal law.

Legal Reference:
RSA 194:3-d, School District Computer Networks

Adopted: April 11, 2000
Revised: May 8, 2012
Revised: June 11, 2019
Reviewed: June 8, 2021, June 13, 2023

Copyright Compliance


The District recognizes that federal law makes it illegal to duplicate copyrighted materials without
authorization of the holder of the copyright, except for certain exempted purpose. Severe penalties
may be imposed for unauthorized copying or using audio, visual or printed materials and computer
software, unless the copying or using conforms to the “fair use” doctrine.

Under the “fair use” doctrine, unauthorized reproduction of copyrighted materials is permissible for
such purposes as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research.

While the District encourages its staff to enrich the learning programs by making proper use of
supplementary materials, it is the responsibility of District staff to abide by the District’s copying
procedures and obey the requirements of the law. Under no circumstances shall it be necessary for
District staff to violate copyright requirements in order to perform their duties properly. The District
cannot be responsible for any violations of copyright law by its staff.

Any staff member who is uncertain as to whether reproducing or using copyrighted material complies
with the District’s procedures or is permissible under the law should contact the Superintendent. The
Superintendent will assist staff in obtaining proper authorization to copy or use protected materials
when such authorization is required.

Legal Reference:
US Code Title XVII, Public
Law 94-533

Adopted: May 8, 2012

Availability and Distribution of Healthy Foods


The School District will support the availability and distribution of healthy foods and beverages in all
school buildings during the school day.

The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for ensuring that all foods and beverages
distributed within the district meet nutritional standards established by state and federal law relative to:
(1) nutrient density; (2) portion size; and (3) nutrition targets, as defined in pertinent law.

The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for implementing developmentally appropriate
opportunities to learn food preparation skills that support nationally recognized research-based nutrition
standards. The Superintendent or his/her designee is responsible for providing annual communication
information about the policy and procedure and related curricula to the school community.

Legal References:
7 CFR 210.10, Nutrition Standards And Menu
Planning Approaches For Lunches And
Requirements For Afterschool Snacks
NH Ed Admin Rules, Section Ed 306.04(a)(21)
Section Ed 306.11(g), (h)

Adopted: December 13, 2012

Use Of Private Vehicles To Transport Students


Parents/guardians may transport their own children to and from school. They may also transport their own children to and from school-related activities in accordance with the rules set forth by the activity. Parents/guardians may only transport children other than their own to and from school and to and from school-related activities if there is documented agreement from the parents/guardians of the other children.

Individuals who provide transportation for their own children or others do so at their own expense and liability, unless otherwise stated.

Adopted: April 11, 2000
Revised: May 7, 2018

Joint Loss Management Committee

ASD File: EB
See also JLI

The Superintendent will cause the formation of the Joint Loss Management Committee as required by RSA 281-A:64 III, and a Crisis Management Plan that conforms to the national Incident Command System.

The practice of safety shall also be considered a facet of the instructional plan of the Auburn School District by incorporating educational programs in traffic and pedestrian safety, driver education, fire prevention, emergency procedures, and others, appropriately geared to students at different grade levels.

The Principal shall be responsible for the supervision and implementation of a safety program for his/her school. General areas of emphasis shall include, but not be limited to: in-service training; accident recordkeeping; plant inspection; driver and vehicle safety programs; fire prevention; catastrophe planning; and emergency procedures and traffic safety problems relevant to students, employees, and the community. The Principal shall be responsible for developing student safety procedures to be used on school busses, school grounds (including playgrounds), during authorized school activities (such as field trips), within school building(s) (including classrooms and laboratories), off school grounds during school sanctioned activities, (including, but not limited to, work-based learning and internships), and in the use of online resources. The safety plan shall be on file in the school and in the SAU Office.

Legal References: RSA 200:40, RSA 281-A:64 III, NH Admin Rules, Sec. Ed 306.04(a), NH Admin Rules, Sec. Ed 306.04(d)

Adopted: April 11, 2000
Revised: May 8, 2007
Revised: October 6, 2008
Revised: December 9, 2014



Special Use Of School Buses


It shall be the policy of Auburn School District to use contracted school buses for transportation
of students participating in extracurricular activities and field trips.

School bus services may be used for student field trips and school activity purposes. However,
such use must necessarily be limited. School buses must be used, first, for regular school

The Superintendent, will be granted authority to approve the use of school buses for specific
trips, within the above guidelines and where required by policy subject to the Board approval.

Adopted: August 12, 1975
Revised: November 9, 1976
Revised: June 14, 1984
Adopted: April 11, 2000
Revised: June 9, 2009

Mandatory Drug And Alcohol Testing


In compliance with the United States Department of Transportation (49 CFR Part 40), employees
of the District performing a safety sensitive job or holding a CDL license will be required to
submit to drug and alcohol tests in accordance with the Rules and Regulations promulgated by
that department.

The testing will be done by a qualified company selected by the District. The agency will review
all mandatory drug testing including pre-employment, random, post accident, reasonable
suspicion and return-to-duty. A laboratory certified by the Department of Health and Human
Services will perform testing in compliance with the Department of Transportation regulations on
the urine samples delivered to them.

Random alcohol testing of employees will be conducted at an annual rate of 25% of safety
sensitive positions and will be performed on National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) approved evidential breath testing device.

Random drug testing of employees will be done at an annual rate of 50% of the safety sensitive
positions. Employee numbers will be drawn from a general pool to which the District belongs
with a number of other statewide employers. Arrangements will be made with the selected
agency so that these employees will go directly for a urine test when their number is drawn. The
test site facility will be informed of the names to be expected.

The employee will be required to submit to a reasonable suspicion drug and/or alcohol test if
their supervisor suspects drug and/or alcohol use. Behaviors believed to be a result of drug
and/or alcohol use must be observed directly by the supervisor.

A medical review officer (MRO) will review any employee test that is positive from the Center to
determine if the test is confirmed positive. The MRO will refer all employees who have a
confirmed positive test for drugs to a substance abuse professional (SAP). The breath alcohol
technician (BAT) will refer any employee to a SAP whose breath test is 0.04 or above.
Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations outline procedures dealing with employees who
test 0.02 to 0.039. The employee must fulfill the SAP requirements and follow up testing in order
to continue in their safety sensitive position. The employee is responsible for the charges
associated with SAP, drug/alcohol treatment and follow up testing.

Any employee who tests positive, meaning a concentration level of 0.02 or greater, will be
subject to a second confirmation test. If the second test is also positive, the employee will be
terminated from employment with the District.

The use, possession, sale or transfer of illegal drugs, on or off the job, will be cause for
termination. Refusal to participate in a drug screen or alcohol testing, whether selected
randomly or for cause, will result in immediate termination.

All files on drug and alcohol testing are maintained by the Center. This information is strictly
confidential. The District will be advised immediately if an employee fails the drug or tests above
0.02 on breath alcohol measurement and by mail for all negative tests.

I have received and understand the drug and alcohol testing policy of the District.


Employee Signature: ____________________________________ Date: __________________


Supervisor Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _________________

C: Personnel File

Legal Reference:  49 C.F.R. §40.1-40.13 (2001), 49 C.F.R. §392.1-392.5 (1995), RSA 200:37

Adopted: January 8, 2008


School Bus Safety Program


The safety and welfare of student riders will be the first consideration in all matters pertaining to
transportation. Safety precautions will include the following:
1. Students will be instructed as to the proper procedure for boarding and exiting from a school
bus and in appropriate and safe conduct while aboard.
2. Emergency evacuation drills will be conducted at least two times a year, October through
May, to acquaint student riders with procedures in emergency situations.
3. All vehicles used to transport children will be inspected on a regular schedule to see that they
meet safety regulations.
4. All drivers will be screened before employment for physical condition, proper license, and
experience. The prior driving record of each driver will be checked for drug and alcohol or
other convictions and a criminal records check must also be completed.
5. The Board authorizes use of video and/or audio surveillance on school buses to
ensure the health, welfare, and safety of all students while riding on school buses. Use of
such surveillance will be in accordance with Policy ECAF, Audio and Video Surveillance on
School Buses.

The transportation provider will comply with all state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to
the operation of school buses and will make these requirements known to bus drivers. It will also
cooperate with local safety officials in formulating and accomplishing its school bus safety program.

Legal Reference: RSA 189:6a

Adopted: April 11, 2000
Reviewed: May 8, 2007
Revised: April 13, 2010


Video Recording On School Property

See also JIC, JICD

The Auburn School Board authorizes the use of video recording devices on District property to
ensure the health, welfare, and safety of all staff, students and visitors to District property and to
safeguard District buildings, grounds, and equipment. The Superintendent will approve
appropriate locations for recording devices. Placement of the video cameras will be based on the
presumption and belief that students, staff and visitors have no reasonable expectation of privacy
in areas or at events that occur in plain view. However, such devices are not to be placed in
bathrooms or locker rooms.

All persons will be responsible for any violations of school rules recorded by cameras.

Videos containing evidence of a violation of student conduct rules, school board policy, and/or
state or federal law will be retained until the issue of the misconduct is no longer subject to
review or appeal, as determined by board policy or applicable law. Any release or viewing of the
video will be in accordance with the law.

In the event a recording from a video recording device contains evidence of wrongdoing, be it a
crime or violation of school conduct policies that could result in discipline, the actual, original
recording will be pulled from service and not re-used or recorded over for a period of not less
than 3 years following the incident in question. Should the recording be confiscated by
prosecutorial authorities as evidence in a crime, the District will take all steps possible to arrange
for a certified copy to be retained by the District.

The Principal will notify staff, students, and parents through handbooks or by other means that
video recording may occur on District property. A notice will also be posted at the main entrance
of all school district buildings indicating the use of video recording.

The District may choose to make recordings part of a student’s educational record or a staff
member’s personnel record. If a video recording does become part of a student’s education
record, the provision of Policy JRA shall apply. The Superintendent is authorized to contact the
District’s attorney for a full legal opinion relative in the event of such an occurrence. The District
will comply with all applicable state and federal laws related to record maintenance and

Video and audio recordings may be used for special education or Section 504 purposes, when a
student’s individualized education program or accommodation plan includes audio or video
recording as part of the child’s education. All such recordings will be maintained in accordance
with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. section 1232g, and other applicable

The school board authorizes the Superintendent to use video recordings to the extent allowed by

The school board permits the video and audio recording of the following school-related activities.
This list may be expanded or contracted.

  • Extracurricular/co-curricular activities
  • Musical performances, band, concert band, ensemble, choir
  • Drama activities
  • Club events
  • Sporting events, including both inter and intra-scholastic
  • Other activities such as student council, yearbook, or school pride
  • Ceremonies, orientation, presentations, school assemblies or meetings, or any school
    events which occur outside of the physical classroom

Legal References:
20 U.S.C.§ 1232g; 34 C.F.R. Part 99, RSA 189:65, RSA 189:68, RSA 570-A:2
Adopted: January 8, 2008
Revised: December 13, 2016
Revised: January 10, 2017
Revised: January 11, 2022