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Policies » Section E: Support Services » EFDA: Charging of School Lunch

Policy Date: 05/09/2017

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Every student in the Auburn Village school will be offered a nutritious, state-approved lunch at a price that has been approved by the School Board for that school year if they desire. However,

A. When the balance is $5 or less a letter will be sent home via the student. A student with a negative balance will not be allowed to purchase snacks.

B. If the negative balance reaches $10.00, the Food Service Director will call the parent/guardian.

C. If a 1st or 2nd grade student has a negative balance, he/she will be allowed to charge a reimbursable lunch or milk.

D. If a 3rd – 8th grade student has a negative balance, he/she will be allowed to charge a reimbursable lunch for two days.

E. Students will be able to charge lunch subject to the criteria of this policy; all others may participate in a pre-payment program.

F. The Superintendent is authorized to take appropriate action to recover any balances owed to the District in cases where the parents do not cooperate in settling their debt.

Reimbursable Lunch – All five components are offered (milk, protein, bread or starch, and two different servings of fruit and/or vegetable) and student takes three.

Adopted: June 14, 2011
Revised: May 9, 2017