Policies » Section E: Support Services » EEAEA: Mandatory Drug And Alcohol Testing
Policy Date: 01/08/2008
Download Policy NowASD File: EEAEA
In compliance with the United States Department of Transportation (49 CFR Part 40), employees
of the District performing a safety sensitive job or holding a CDL license will be required to
submit to drug and alcohol tests in accordance with the Rules and Regulations promulgated by
that department.
The testing will be done by a qualified company selected by the District. The agency will review
all mandatory drug testing including pre-employment, random, post accident, reasonable
suspicion and return-to-duty. A laboratory certified by the Department of Health and Human
Services will perform testing in compliance with the Department of Transportation regulations on
the urine samples delivered to them.
Random alcohol testing of employees will be conducted at an annual rate of 25% of safety
sensitive positions and will be performed on National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA) approved evidential breath testing device.
Random drug testing of employees will be done at an annual rate of 50% of the safety sensitive
positions. Employee numbers will be drawn from a general pool to which the District belongs
with a number of other statewide employers. Arrangements will be made with the selected
agency so that these employees will go directly for a urine test when their number is drawn. The
test site facility will be informed of the names to be expected.
The employee will be required to submit to a reasonable suspicion drug and/or alcohol test if
their supervisor suspects drug and/or alcohol use. Behaviors believed to be a result of drug
and/or alcohol use must be observed directly by the supervisor.
A medical review officer (MRO) will review any employee test that is positive from the Center to
determine if the test is confirmed positive. The MRO will refer all employees who have a
confirmed positive test for drugs to a substance abuse professional (SAP). The breath alcohol
technician (BAT) will refer any employee to a SAP whose breath test is 0.04 or above.
Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations outline procedures dealing with employees who
test 0.02 to 0.039. The employee must fulfill the SAP requirements and follow up testing in order
to continue in their safety sensitive position. The employee is responsible for the charges
associated with SAP, drug/alcohol treatment and follow up testing.
Any employee who tests positive, meaning a concentration level of 0.02 or greater, will be
subject to a second confirmation test. If the second test is also positive, the employee will be
terminated from employment with the District.
The use, possession, sale or transfer of illegal drugs, on or off the job, will be cause for
termination. Refusal to participate in a drug screen or alcohol testing, whether selected
randomly or for cause, will result in immediate termination.
All files on drug and alcohol testing are maintained by the Center. This information is strictly
confidential. The District will be advised immediately if an employee fails the drug or tests above
0.02 on breath alcohol measurement and by mail for all negative tests.
I have received and understand the drug and alcohol testing policy of the District.
Employee Signature: ____________________________________ Date: __________________
Supervisor Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _________________
C: Personnel File
Legal Reference: 49 C.F.R. §40.1-40.13 (2001), 49 C.F.R. §392.1-392.5 (1995), RSA 200:37
Adopted: January 8, 2008