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Policies » Section D: Fiscal Management » DN: School Properties Disposal Procedure

Policy Date: 02/08/2000

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ASD File: DN

It is the policy of the School Board to obtain maximum utilization from all school property.

Property owned by the school district shall be determined to be obsolete or surplus when any one of the following criteria has been met:
a. The property exists in quantities exceeding the possibility of the effective educational use by the school district.
b. The property is unsound, out-of-date, inaccurate or in an unusable or economically unrepairable condition.

Determination as to whether any of the above criteria applies to property currently possessed by the school district shall be made by the Superintendent, who may delegate this responsibility to qualified personnel, provided all requirements of the law are met.

Disposal of property which meets the above criteria shall be in a manner most advantageous to the school district and shall be according to the following priority outcomes:
1. Sale
2. Trade in or exchange
3. Donation to students, parents, or non-profit agencies, whichever is appropriate
4. Discard in an appropriate manner

The sale of property which is expected to raise more than $250.00 must be advertised in at least one local newspaper. The sale of property which is expected to raise more than $500.00 must be specifically approved by the district’s School Board.

Adopted: September 12, 1978
Adopted: February 8, 2000