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Policies » Section G: Personnel » GBEF: School District Internet Access For Staff

Policy Date: 06/13/2023

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The School Board recognizes that technological resources can enhance teacher performance by offering
effective tools to assist in providing a quality instructional program, facilitating communications with
parents/guardians, teachers, and the community, supporting District and school operations, and
improving access to and exchange of information. The Board expects all staff to learn to use the
available technological resources that will assist them in the performance of their education. As needed,
staff shall receive training, lessons and instruction in the appropriate use of these resources.

Staff shall be responsible for the appropriate use of technology and shall use the District’s technological
resources primarily for purposes related to their education. Staff is hereby notified that there is no
expectation of privacy on district computers, computer files, email, internet usage logs, and other
electronic data.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that all District computers with Internet access have a
technology protection measure that prevents access to visual depictions that are obscene or pornographic
and that the operation of such measures is enforced. The Superintendent or designee may disable the
technology protection measure during use by an adult to enable access for bona fide research,
educational or other lawful purpose.

The Superintendent shall establish administrative regulations and an Acceptable Use Agreement that
outlines staff obligations and responsibilities related to the use of District technology. He/she also may
establish guidelines and limits on the use of technological resources. Inappropriate use may result in a
cancellation of the staff member’s user privileges, disciplinary action, and/or legal action in accordance
with law, Board policy, and administrative regulations.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide copies of related policies, regulations, and guidelines to all
staff. Staff shall be required to acknowledge in writing that they have read and understood the District’s
Acceptable Use Agreement.

Legal Reference:
RSA 194:3-d, School District Computer Networks

Adopted: May 8, 2012
Reviewed: June 11, 2019, June 8, 2021, June 13, 2023