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Policies » Section B: School Board Governance & Operations » BBA: School Board Powers And Responsibilities

Policy Date: 01/13/2009

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School Boards shall exercise all the powers and duties prescribed to them by applicable state and federal laws and rules of the New Hampshire State Board of Education.

The following are current duties for School Boards prescribed by the State Board of Education:
a. The School Board shall adopt such policies as are necessary and desirable to control and effectuate the recruitment, employment, evaluation, and dismissal of teachers and other employees and may delegate authority to the Superintendent of Schools to carry out the provisions of such policies provided that no teacher shall be employed who is not certified or has not been nominated by the Superintendent of Schools and elected by the School Board.
b. The School Board shall adopt such policies as are necessary and desirable to control and effectuate the purchase of equipment, supplies, or services and may delegate to the Superintendent of Schools the authority to make financial commitments in accordance with such policy.
c. The School Board shall, through documented planning and public meetings and quorum votes, make suitable provision for the physical accommodation of all students in approved schools or other facilities in accordance with state law.
d. The School Board shall provide required transportation of students consistent with these rules and provide that all school buildings and other learning environments be maintained in a manner with standards of health and safety as required by these rules.
e. The School Board shall prepare an annual budget in accordance with RSA 32 and comply with all federal and state laws and rules.
f. They shall hold meetings for the transaction of business at least once in two months and shall require the attendance of the Superintendent or his/her designee. The Board shall cause a written record to be kept of each meeting in accordance with RSA 91-A.
g. The School Board shall in consultation with the Superintendent and in accordance with
statutes and rules of the State Board of Education, determine the educational goals of the District, develop long-range plans and identify measurable and attainable short-term objectives. The School Board shall require the implementation of educational programs designed to reflect the goals and objectives and, further, the School Board shall review such programs and make public the results of such investigation.
h. The School Board shall exercise all powers and perform all duties vested in and imposed upon the School Board by law or rules of the State Board.
i. The School Board shall adopt a rule to ensure that there shall be no unlawful discrimination on the basis of sex, race, age, creed, color, marital status, national origin, or disability in educational programs or activities consistent with local standards which may be stricter in specific areas than the broader statewide standards.
j. The School Board shall establish a policy on sexual harassment, written in age appropriate language and published and available in written form to all those who must comply, which includes, at a minimum, the elements specified below:
(1) A statement that sexual harassment is against the law and against school district
(2) A definition of sexual harassment with examples of actions that might constitute sexual harassment;
(3) The names and roles of all persons involved in implementing the procedures;
(4) A description of the process so all parties know what to expect, including time frames and deadlines for investigation and resolution of complaints;
(5) A prohibition against retaliation toward anyone involved in a complaint;
(6) A description of possible penalties including termination;
(7) A requirement that a written factual report be produced regardless of the outcome of the investigation;
(8) At least one level of appeal of the investigators recommendation;
(9) A clear statement that someone can bypass the internal process and
Proceed directly to the New Hampshire commission on human rights, with address and phone number, or office of civil rights, with address and phone number; and
(k) Annually evaluate the Superintendent based on written criteria established by the SAU board.

Legal References:
RSA 189:1-a, RSA 195:5, and
Revised: January 13, 2009 NH Admin Rules Sec. Ed 303:01

Adopted: November 13, 1980
Adopted: October 12, 1999