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Policies » Section E: Support Services » EBB/ADD: Safe Schools

Policy Date: 09/01/2022

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The Board recognizes that effective learning and teaching takes place in a safe, secure and
welcoming environment and that safe schools contribute to improved attendance, increased
student achievement and community support. To that end, the Board directs the superintendent,
following consultation with the district parents, teachers, administrators, students and when
appropriate, members of the community, to develop a safe schools plan that includes:

  1.  Procedures that address the supervision and security of school buildings and grounds.
  2.  Procedures that address the safety and supervision of students during school hours
    and school-sponsored activities.
  3.  Procedures that address persons visiting school buildings and attending schoolsponsored activities.
  4.  Training programs for staff and students in crisis prevention and management.
  5.  Training programs for staff and students in emergency response procedures that
    include practice drills.
  6.  Training programs for staff and students in how to recognize and respond to behavior
    or other information that may indicate impending violence or other safety problems.
  7.  Training and support for students that aims to relieve the fear, embarrassment and
    peer pressure associated with reporting behavior that may indicate impending violence or
    other safety problems.
  8.  Procedures for safe, confidential reporting of security and safety concerns at each
    school building.
  9.  Procedures for regular assessments by school security/safety professionals and law
    enforcement officers to evaluate the security needs of each school building and to
    provide recommendations for improvements if necessary.
  10.  Procedures for regular assessments by school climate professionals to determine
    whether students feel safe and to provide recommendations for improvements in school
    climate at each district building.
  11.  Procedures to provide for regular communications between district officials, law
    enforcement officers, fire department officials, city and county officials and local medical
    personnel to discuss crisis prevention and management strategies, including involvement
    by these parties in the development and revision of crisis prevention and management
  12.  Training programs for staff and students in safety precautions and procedures related
    to fire prevention, natural disaster response, accident prevention, public health, traffic,
    bicycle and pedestrian safety, environmental hazards, civil defense, classroom and
    occupational safety, and special hazards associated with athletics and other
    extracurricular activities.
  13.  Procedures for the reporting of criminal activity to law enforcement.
    Each building principal shall be responsible for the supervision and implementation of the
    safe school program at his or her school. The principal shall submit annually, in the
    manner and by the date specified by the State Board of Education, a written report to
    the Board of Education concerning the learning environment in the school during that
    school year. The report shall contain, at a minimum, the information required by law.

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent or designee to compile the annual safety
reports from each principal and submit the compilation to the Board of Education. The Board
shall issue a final safety report. The report shall be made available to the public and shall be
submitted to the State Board of Education in accordance with state law and regulation.

Legal References: RSA 193-D, RSA 193-F, and NH Admin Rules Sec. Ed 306.04(a)(2)

Adopted: September 14, 1999
Revised: January 13, 2009
Code EBB added 9/1/22