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Policies » Section B: School Board Governance & Operations » BGB: Policy Adoption

Policy Date: 03/13/2018

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Except for policy actions to be taken on emergency measures, the adoption of Board policies should follow this sequence, which will take place at least at two meetings of the Board:
1. Proposed, new or revised policies will be a Board agenda item.
2. Opportunity offered to concerned groups or individuals to react to policy proposals.
3. Discussion and final action by the Board on policy proposals.

The final vote to adopt should follow by at least two weeks from the meeting at which policy proposals are first placed on the agenda.
1. Prior to enactment, all policy proposals shall be titled and coded as appropriate to subject and in conformance with the codification system used in the Board policy manual.
2. Insofar as possible, each policy statement shall be limited to one subject.
3. Policies and amendments adopted by the Board shall be attached to and made a part of the minutes of the meeting at which they are adopted and shall also be included in the policy manual of the District marked with the date of adoption and/or amendment.
4. Policies and amendments to policies shall be effective immediately upon adoption unless a specific effective date is provided in the adopted resolution.

Emergency Procedure
On matters of unusual urgency, the Board may waiver the two-week limitation and take immediate action to adopt new or revise existing polices. When such immediate action is necessary, the Superintendent shall inform concerned groups or individuals about the reasons for this necessity.

Adopted: October 12, 1999
Revised: March 13, 2018