Policies » Section B: School Board Governance & Operations » BBAA: Board Member Authority
Policy Date: 09/12/2017
Download Policy NowASD File: BBAA
All powers of the School Board lie in its action as a group.
The authority of individual Board members is limited to participating in actions taken by the Board as a whole when legally in session. Board members shall not assume responsibilities of administrators or other staff members. The Board or staff shall not be bound in any way by any action taken or statement made by any individual Board member, except when such statement or action is pursuant to specific instructions and official action taken by the Board.
Each Board member should review the agenda and any study materials distributed prior to the meeting and be prepared to participate in the discussion and decision-making for each agenda item. Each agenda will provide an opportunity for Board members to comment on District activities and/or educational issues. These comments may become topics for future Board discussions.
Board members may occasionally serve on committees or organizations for the purpose of reciprocal communication and report back to the Board. Committee assignments will be made by the Chairperson with Board approval.
Each member is obligated to attend Board meetings regularly. Whenever possible, each Board member shall give advance notice to the Chairperson or Superintendent of his/her inability to attend a Board meeting.
An individual board member, including the chairperson, has power only when the Board by vote has delegated authority to him or her.
The School Board is primarily a policy-making body. The Superintendent is the legally delegated representative for this body.
Statutory References:
RSA 91-A:2, Meetings Open to Public, RSA 91-A:2a, Communication Outside Meetings, and NH Code of Administrative Rules-Section Ed. 303
Adopted: January 13, 1983
Adopted: October 12, 1999
Revised: September 12, 2017