Policies » Section D: Fiscal Management » DB: Annual Budget
Policy Date: 02/08/2000
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One of the primary responsibilities of the School Board is to secure adequate funds to carry out a high-level program of education.
The adopted annual school budget is the financial outline of the district’s educational program; it is the legal basis for the establishment of tax rates. The annual school budget process is an important function of School District operations and should serve as a means to improve communications within the school organization and with the residents of the community.
The Superintendent will be responsible for preparing, and presenting to the Board for adoption, the annual school budget. The Board expects the Superintendent to work closely with the Principal, Special Education Director, and other administrators in their respective areas in studying the needs of the school and in compiling a budget to meet those needs. The building administrators are expected to confer with appropriate staff in getting budgetary requests and information on requirements.
In developing each operating budget, it will be the policy of the Board to provide an optimum educational program for the students with an awareness of the taxpayers’ ability to support such a program.
Adopted: February 8, 2000