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Policy Categories Archives: Section I: Instruction

Section I contains policies on the instructional program: basic curricular subjects, special programs, instructional resources, and academic achievement.

School, Community, Home Relations

ASD File: IJO (Same as KA)

The School Board recognizes the importance of having a strong partnership between the schoolsystem and the parents of our students as well as the community at large. It is therefore the policy of the Board to define standards for involvement between the schools, the community, and the parents of all students enrolled in District schools. The Superintendent is directed to implement these standards.
District schools are a welcoming place, clearly accessible to parents and the community.
Communication between home and school is regular, two-way and meaningful.
Parents are full partners in the educational decisions that affect children and families.
Parents will be encouraged to visit their schools for beginning of the year events such as “Open House” and new student orientations. These events will be used to disseminate information on school policies, discipline procedures, assessment tools and school goals.
Opportunities are provided to guide parents on ways to assist with homework, give feedback to teachers, and how parents can help their children improve skills and perform well on assessments.
Parents are encouraged to attend school-sponsored parent workshops to learn about parenting skills, health, safety, nutrition, home environments that support education and other topics of child and adolescent development throughout the year.
Reasonable efforts will be made to communicate with parents in their primary language or in the language in which they feel comfortable.
For the purposes of this policy, the term “parent” refers to the parent or legal guardian and where appropriate other family members.
Students and parents will receive information regarding cultural, recreational, academic, health, social and other resources that serve families within the community.
The support of area businesses, agencies and faith-based organizations will be sought through financial, goods and services, and volunteer contributions.
Partnerships will be developed with local organizations, local city and county governments, and talented individuals to strengthen school programs, family practices and student learning.
Student participation in community service will be encouraged.
Business partnerships will also be developed to assist students in the successful transition to employment or further education.

Legal References: NH Admin Rules Sec. Ed 306.04(a)(11),
NH Admin Rules Sec. Ed 306.04(k)

Adopted: November 14, 2000
Revised: January 13, 2009


Request For Educational Field Trip


At least four weeks before the proposed day of any field trip the teacher shall
supply the following information to the principal in duplicate.

Grade ____________ School__________________ Date __________

Trip ________________________________________________________


Date of Trip __________ Estimated Miles _________________

Departure Time ____________ Return by ________________

Number of Pupils ______________ Adults ________________

Teacher _____________________________________________________

Number of Buses ____________________________

Number of Chaperones ________________________

Cost to Student: _____________________________

Educational Objectives:





Approved: ______________________________ Date: ______________

Approved: ______________________________ Date: ______________
Assistant Superintendent

_______ Does Require School Board Approval*  Date: ______________
_______ Does Not Require School Board Approval

See Policy IJOA* – “Any overnight or out-of-state field trips”


Adopted: June 9, 2009
Revised: August 22, 2023, August 13, 2024



The Auburn School District welcomes and values contributions made to the school program by
the volunteer efforts of parents and other citizens. The voluntary help of citizens should be
requested by school staff using appropriate administrative procedures. The
Superintendent/designee shall be responsible for developing and implementing procedures for
the utilization of volunteers. The assignment of volunteers will be consistent with those policies
and procedures under the direction of the Principal/designee.

Volunteers assist the school in many roles, including, but not limited to, clerical assistance for
teachers, field trip chaperones, presenters, assistant coaches, advisors to enrichment activities,
and assisting in large group supervision. In whatever capacity, the Principal/designee will
provide appropriate orientation to the volunteers. This orientation shall include a description of
role expectations, information about safety, evacuation, confidentiality, and the expected
relationship to staff and students. Whenever possible, volunteers should function under the
supervision of a school employee.

“Designated Volunteers” – Designated volunteers will be required to undergo a background
investigation and a criminal records check. “Designated volunteer” means any volunteer who:

1. Has unsupervised direct contact with pupils.
2. Meets with students on a one-on-one basis;
3. Has unsupervised access to the school building as a whole:
4. Any other volunteer so designated by the School Board or Superintendent.

Said Record Checks will be funded by the District and shall be required during the initial stages
of volunteer service.

Registered sex offenders will not be allowed to be a school volunteer.

Adopted: November 10, 1998
Revised: June 10, 2008, May 12, 2011, January 9, 2018, April 9, 2024

Legal Reference: RSA 189:13-a, School Employee and Volunteer Criminal History Records Check

Grading System


The Superintendent and the Principal will develop a system to report student progress appropriate for the grade levels of the school. The system will be approved by the Board and when feasible, published in the Parent-Student Handbook. Individual student grading decisions shall be made at the building level and the decision shall be final.

Adopted: November 14, 2000

Promotion And Assignment Of Students


The Superintendent and the building principal shall develop rules for the promotion and retention of students. The rules will be approved by the Board. These rules shall be published in the Student Handbooks.

Criteria to be considered regarding the promotion of students should include, but are not limited to, a student’s mastery of course level competencies, grades, teacher recommendations, and the student’s social growth and readiness.

Adopted: January 10, 1990
Adopted: November 14, 2000
Revised: January 13, 2009
Revised: January 9, 2018

Legal Reference:
NH Admin Rules Sec. Ed 306.14(d)

Evaluation Of Instructional Programs

ASD File: IL

The Superintendent, Principal, and teachers will evaluate instructional programs in accordance with local and state guidelines. She/he shall have the responsibility to report periodically to the Board on the progress the district is making towards the attainment of its educational goals.
Adopted: November 14, 2000



It is the policy of the Board that the Superintendent will develop and manage an assessment program that provides ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of the curriculum on improving student performance. The program must adhere to the processes for selection, administration, and interpretation of assessment instruments specified below. This program will include both local and statewide assessment tools. The program must be aligned with the goals of the School District and be designed to assess each student’s progress toward meeting the defined curriculum objectives.

Test Results
Test results will be analyzed and used with other data for the following purposes:
– To identify individual student strengths and weaknesses in skill development;
– To diagnose strengths and weaknesses of groups;
– To individualize instruction;
– To report progress to parents;
– To select curriculum materials;
– To set the pace of instruction;
– To select methods of instruction;
– To counsel students;
– To help determine revisions needed in the curriculum.

The selection process will include the professional staff in its efforts to investigate new assessment tools and evaluate existing ones. Assessment instruments selected may provide an authentic assessment of student learning outcomes through multiple formative and summative assessment instruments including, but not limited to teacher observation of project-based learning, including off-site learning projects; competency-based assessments; and teacher-designed quizzes and tests. Additional instruments may include written examinations, oral examinations, alternative questions, demonstrations, writing exercises, individual projects, group projects, performances, student portfolios, and samples of student’s best works.

To the extent possible, the assessment program will include a schedule for administration to students, distributed to staff and the board before the start of each school year.
Each building principal will provide assurance that test procedures are followed at the school level including the distribution and collection of test materials, test security, use of test results and testing dates as well as other pertinent requirements. Any modifications in administration should be made and documented during the Individualized Education Program (IEP) review.

The Superintendent or designee will ensure that data from the student assessment program is compiled, analyzed, summarized, and reported to the Board annually. The Superintendent or designee is responsible for the scores of individual students and they shall be made available only to appropriate personnel within the school in which the student is enrolled and to parent(s) or legal guardians(s) of each student as provided by law. Interpretation of test results shall be made available to parents and students.
The Board will provide funding for the student assessment program, including professional development for teachers in the use of tools to understand assessment results, to adjust instruction to meet personalized needs of students, and to monitor progress.
The Superintendent will provide an ongoing evaluation of the assessment program, and will provide regular reports to the Board showing the effectiveness of the curriculum on improving student performance.

Legal Reference: RSA 193-C; NH Ed Rule, Section 306.24

Adopted: January 8, 2008

Daily Physical Activity


The Board recognizes that developmentally appropriate daily physical activity, exercise and
physical education are ways to minimize health risks created by chronic inactivity, childhood
obesity, and other related health problems. The Board recommends that students and staff
participate in developmentally appropriate physical activity and exercise for at least 30 to 60
minutes each day as a way to minimize these health risks. The Board recommends the following
(1) Encourage parents/guardians to support their children’s participation in enjoyable physical
activities, and recognize that parents/guardians act as role models for active lifestyles;
(2) Support special programs such as student and staff walking programs, family fitness events,
and events that emphasize lifelong physical activity;
(3) Encourage the integration of health and physical activity across the school curriculum;
(4) Encourage student-initiated activities that promote inclusive physical activity on a school wide
(5) Seek adequate resources that include program funding, personnel, safe equipment, and
(6) Encourage professional development opportunities for all school staff that will assist them to
effectively promote enjoyable and lifelong physical activity among youth, and that will assist
school staff to recognize their influence as role models for active lifestyles;
(7) Establish relationships with community recreation and youth sports programs and agencies to
coordinate and complement physical activity programs;
(8) Encourage physical activity recess periods; and
(9) Support a tracking and evaluation method to ensure that all students are engaging in
developmentally appropriate daily physical activity.

Legal Reference:RSA 189:11-a;  NH Ed Rule Section  Ed. 310

Adopted: December 11, 2007


Speakers and Programs


The Auburn School Board charges the teacher/sponsor and the Principal to exercise judgement and to investigate fully those proposed speakers and programs prior to approval.

Adopted: March 26, 2002

Patriotic Exercises


In accordance with federal law, the District shall offer an education program(s) each year on Constitution Day and Citizenship Day to commemorate the September 17, 1787 signing of the United States Constitution and recognize all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become citizens.

During the weeks of Memorial Day and Veterans Day, the District will devote time for exercises of a patriotic nature.

The district may also observe General John Stark Day on the second Monday in April.

Legal Reference:
RSA 194:15-c, NH Patriot Act, RSA 189:18, Patriotic Exercises, 36 U.S. C. 106, Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, RSA 4:13-l, General John Stark Day, Section 111 of Div. J of Public Law 108-447

Adopted: November 14, 2000
Revised: February 14, 2017
Revised: February 13, 2018